Have you taken a look at the latest edition of Encounter magazine?
We’ve captured some of the highlights from an action-packed start to the year in our Easter 2024 issue.
It includes an Easter message of hope from Bishop Peter, International Women’s Day celebrations, a Q&A with Lakes Grammar – An Anglican School’s new chaplain, Reverend Anthea, and Samaritans 40-year anniversary.
There is also coverage of three parish anniversaries, as well as a number of fun activities from our Anglican Care facilities.
You can download a PDF version here or click below to read online.
Bishops of the Anglican Church of Australia gathered in Bendigo last week to unanimously affirm a statement of peace amid the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land.
“In the spirit of Jesus Christ who said, “Blessed are the peacemakers”, we pray for a just and lasting peace, for the release of all hostages, and for urgent aid to be delivered to civilians in Gaza,” the statement read.
Apart from Harmony Day, we also acknowledged National Close the Gap Day.
The event advocates for the health equity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and educates the public about the issues and barriers they encounter.
Our Director of Reconciliation Aunty Di Langham says there needs to be a shift towards long-term planning to deliver better life outcomes for Aboriginal people.
Are you interested in becoming a Peer Support Volunteer?
Newcastle Anglican supports inclusive working environments that promote participation, collaboration, partnering, consultation, and innovation.
The Peer Support Network comprises individuals from Newcastle Anglican who have volunteered for the role of Peer Support Volunteer.
If you're interested in becoming a Peer Support Volunteer and obtaining your mental health first aid training and accreditation, please email: whs@newcastleanglican.org.au.
A two-day training course will also take place on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 May.
We are always looking for talented and people-centred team members. There are some amazing opportunities in both our corporate, multidisciplinary and care teams across Samaritans, Anglican Care, and Newcastle Anglican Schools.
Maxxia, the salary packaging provider for Anglican Care and Samaritans, is reminding staff about the benefits of reducing your taxable income and boosting your take-home pay.
Learn about the game-changing Australian Government Electric Vehicle (EV) Discount that could save you thousands and lower your taxable income even further.